Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Cashore, K. (2008). Graceling. Orlando, FL: Harcourt, INC.
ISBN: 978-0152063962

Katsa lives in a world where a person can have an extreme skill called a Grace. People with Grace are often exploited, which is the case for Katsa. Her skill is the Grace of killing. When she was eight she killed her cousin with one punch. Her uncle, King Randa knows of her power and decides to train her in combat in order to create an exceptionally skilled assassin. Tired of her uncle’s abuse of her Grace Katsa creates a secret group that seeks justice over the exploitation and cruelty of power. 

In the midst of a secret mission she meets Prince Po. He can read minds and Katsa dislikes him instantly. Eventually Katsa agrees to help him free his cousin Princess Bitterblue from her demented father. Princess Bitterblue’s father has a Grace that proves dangerous to all but Prince Po. On her journey to save Princess Bitterblue Katsa discovers something new about her own Grace as well as her feelings for Prince Po. Katsa also discovers a secret that could potentially end all seven kingdoms. Grappling with all these new discoveries Katsa must resourcefully forge onward.

Graceling brims over with adolescent anger and confusion as Katsa struggles to find her own way. The novel is about fighting for what you believe in and standing your ground even if that means going against an adult. In this way Katsa grows and becomes more aware of her true self. There is also a tumultuous awakening in Katsa after meeting Prince Po one that leaves her bewildered and exhilarated all at once. Graceling is a great story that introduces a girl who breaks away from tyrannical constraint to bring on her own righteous uprising. Katsa is tough, quick-witted, and compassionate—in other words a girl to look up to.

Cover art link: everythingtodowithbooks
Eyes image link: deviantart 

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