Monday, November 22, 2010

Whip It

Barrymore, D. (2009). Whip It. Fox Searchlight Pictures. PG-13. 111 minutes. 

High school senior Bliss feels directionless, but knows she wants to leave the small town confines of Bodeen, Texas. Her best friend Pash planes on escaping by attending college. Bliss appeases her mother by participating in beauty pageants she despises. 

While shopping at a thrift store with her mother Bliss watches to women roller skate, leave flyers, and roller skate out. Intrigued she notices the flyers are for a roller derby event in Austin. She and Pash sneak out to Austin to watch the event and Bliss is instantly smitten with the rough empowering sport. Encouraged by one of the participants Bliss tries out for the team and gets in. 

Eventually Bliss has to make a decision to defy her parents to keep doing what she loves the most or give it up completely. 

This film shows teenagers that there are various outlets to find a true calling. For Pash it is college, but for Bliss it is Roller Derby. Both paths are legitimate and the film shows how Bliss's unconventional choice is the right one for her. The film also looks at the relationship between parent and teen as well as friendship and heartbreak.

Movie poster image link: wikimedia 
Movie image link: collider  

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