ISBN: 978-0142414736
After experiencing a horrific event, Melinda enters high school ostracized from her peers. She makes the choice to not speak about the event and in doing so slowly withdraws from communicating all together. She befriends a new girl named Heather who obsesses about fitting in. After finding out that hanging out with Melinda hinders her status Heather breaks their friendship.
Falling deeper into her depression Melinda discovers an unoccupied janitor's closet and takes it over as her refuge. She finds a small outlet for expression in her art class taught by Mr. Freeman. Soon the tragic event that happened to Melinda is realized: an older student named Andy during a party in the summer raped her.
Once she finds out her former best friend, Rachel, is dating Andy she can no longer keep silent and tells Rachel what happened at the party and why she called the cops (the reason her peers blacklist her). At first Rachel is outraged and insists Melinda is lying, but soon she accepts the truth and breaks up with Andy.
The events of the party are leaked and Melinda is no longer considered an outcast. As the school year comes to a close Melinda returns to the janitor's closest only to be violently accosted by Andy. Her former friend Nicole and the lacrosse team hear her screams.They immediately come to her aid.
This book takes on a heavy issue: rape. Anderson's story is both poignant and an important work for young readers. The book is a great source for young adults because it demonstrates the significance in speaking out about sexual assault and not allowing social indifference to hinder their communication.
Book trailer made by ME!
Cover art link: improbable
Tree girl Image link: imaginalcellsinc
Hands image link:energytherapyhealing
Book trailer link: youtube
After experiencing a horrific event, Melinda enters high school ostracized from her peers. She makes the choice to not speak about the event and in doing so slowly withdraws from communicating all together. She befriends a new girl named Heather who obsesses about fitting in. After finding out that hanging out with Melinda hinders her status Heather breaks their friendship.
Falling deeper into her depression Melinda discovers an unoccupied janitor's closet and takes it over as her refuge. She finds a small outlet for expression in her art class taught by Mr. Freeman. Soon the tragic event that happened to Melinda is realized: an older student named Andy during a party in the summer raped her.
Once she finds out her former best friend, Rachel, is dating Andy she can no longer keep silent and tells Rachel what happened at the party and why she called the cops (the reason her peers blacklist her). At first Rachel is outraged and insists Melinda is lying, but soon she accepts the truth and breaks up with Andy.
The events of the party are leaked and Melinda is no longer considered an outcast. As the school year comes to a close Melinda returns to the janitor's closest only to be violently accosted by Andy. Her former friend Nicole and the lacrosse team hear her screams.They immediately come to her aid.
This book takes on a heavy issue: rape. Anderson's story is both poignant and an important work for young readers. The book is a great source for young adults because it demonstrates the significance in speaking out about sexual assault and not allowing social indifference to hinder their communication.
Book trailer made by ME!
Cover art link: improbable
Tree girl Image link: imaginalcellsinc
Hands image link:energytherapyhealing
Book trailer link: youtube
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